Helium on my mind

I’ve been working on this novel for so long, I can’t even tell you how long helium has been on my mind.

In fact, when I first started my latest project, it was intended to just be a simple short story. I liked the whole idea — the whole universe — I had created, that I set out to write more stories that took place on the ship I named the Jules Janssen, a fractional distillery ship 10.6 light years from Earth, on a mission to mine helium from exoplanets around the star Epsilon Eridani.

Now, however many years later, I have a nearly completed draft of a Novel-in-Stories based on a very basic idea:

The world is running out of helium.

And it is. Sort of.

Even though I’m in the editing stages, I always find that returning to my research can offer motivation and sometimes a new perspective on what I’m writing.

In 2021, I hope to explore the scientific ideas behind this Novel-in-Stories, tentatively titled HEADED FOR THE STARS, and I’ll be presenting them here.
