Fourth of July weekend I attended CONvergence in Downtown Minneapolis. If you’re not familiar with it, CONvergence is the area’s largest Science Fiction and Fantasy convention. It was my first CONvergence, and I was there mostly alone, so it was a bit overwhelming! But I did find the majority of my interactions pleasant and the programming that I attended fun and informative.
The main reason I attended was so I could perform a reading of my short story The Harder They Fall as part of the new Wordslinger’s Way. I signed up for it as a way to take myself out of my comfort zone and also was hoping to connect with other writers and people in the industry.
The reading went well, and I passed out about 20 business cards total. Over the next week, my website had 8 new, distinct hits, so I’m calling the whole thing a success!
I hope to have some publishing news coming up soon, so look for that.